
Friday, November 30, 2007

Just Not Ready for Democracy?

There is a real possibility that Venezuelan voters will decide to give up their freedom this weekend:

Hugo Chavez could have a shot at becoming president for life if voters approve a sweeping overhaul of the constitution Sunday that would give him unchecked power to reshape Venezuela's government, economy and society.

And in Russia, freedom is also being trampled on:

Former chess champion and Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov on Friday dismissed Russia's parliamentary elections this weekend as a farce that will push the country toward what he called a "single-party dictatorship."

Voting to end your freedom is a strange way to exercise such a priceless right.

It's funny how some people think our freedom has eroded the last seven years even as tyranny descends abroad. And even in that darling of our Left, Venezuela.

At least non-communist Russia won't get a pass from our elites. Heck, Hollywood will have a nice safe northern hemisphere villain again!