
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Their Enemy

Bin Laden's first video spouting off Leftist talking points as reasons for their terrorism against us would seem to rule out attack attempts like this (tip to Captain's Quarters via Instapundit):

Police in Turkey's capital, Ankara, have prevented a large bomb from exploding, the city's governor said.

Sniffer dogs detected a van stuffed with explosives in the centre of the city, preventing a "possible catastrophe", Governor Kemal Onal said.

Security had been tightened in the city ahead of the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States.

Turkey was the target. And Turks would have died in large numbers. Moslem Turks. Moslem Turks who did not participate in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Moslem Turks who have recently moved in a Moslem-friendly way through elections.

But as we all know, you can't be Moslem enough if you fall short of the jihadi vision of a cigarette- and alcohol-free lifestyle where cucumbers and tomatoes are never put in the same paper bag. Oh, and the beheading and suicide bombing things against Jews, Christians, former Christians in Europe, Hindus, Shia Moslems, and the vast majority of Sunni Moslems. Anybody I've left off this list are not immune, of course. Space and time limitations restrict me.

Our enemies have lots of enemies. We all are infidels, now.