
Tuesday, September 11, 2007, an organization whose members collectively can't match the contributions to America that General Petraeus has made, paid huge sums of money to advertise in the New York Times that the general would lie to Congress. They called him "Betray Us." That's nice.

Ralph Peters is not amused:

Pretending to represent grass-roots democracy, it is totalitarian in outlook and practice. Complete with on-line commissars to enforce party discipline, this neo-Stalinist group crushes dissent mercilessly.

Far from populist, MoveOn is elitist, made up of the same sort of pseudo-intellectual activists who "knew" that Bolshevism, Maoism or fascism was what was best for the common people.

And make no mistake, you are the common people these activists despise: In their lofty view, you're not qualified to choose presidents, senators or even alder-men. They mean to make your choices for you.

MoveOn has been a cancer within the Democratic Party for years now, and not one leading Dem has had the guts to recommend surgery. Indeed, Democrats are terrified of the group's much-exaggerated power - but, then, it's always been the illusion of power, the bravado, that put totalitarian minorities over the top.

Yesterday, MoveOn reached a new low. Unable to refute the changed facts on the ground in Iraq, the commissars questioned Gen. David Petraeus' personal integrity in a very expensive ad in The New York Times. (Nice "populism": an ad in a newspaper no working man or woman ever reads.)

In our democracy, it's fair to disagree with the general's analysis - hopefully, from an informed position. But attacking the man himself in a back-door bid to undercut his testimony is reminiscent of the Stalinist practices of the 1930s.

In the face of compelling testmony based on compelling facts on the ground, signalled that they would suffer no thought deviation from the Democratic Congress. gave their marching orders to Congress and expects Congress to retreat as fast as they can. Changing their minds to support something as distatseful as American victory in Iraq is something our modern Stalinists won't tolerate.

This is just the beginning, I fear, for's tactics. In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, they could not afford to loudly denounce the war. But they got over that. Yet they still pledged they "support the troops" even in their vigoruous "dissent" over the war.

With this latest campaign against the leader of our troops in battle, it will be easier for the Left to end the pretense that they support the troops and get on with demonizing our men and women in uniform as monsters who deserve nothing but contempt and defeat.

Our troops and the people of Iraq are just cannon fodder in the Left's war to win the White House. And, which isn't as tolerant of dissent from their positions, knows how to deal with traitors to their war effort.