
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Standing Up the Iraqis

The basic idea of counter-insurgency is to prepare the local indigenous forces to take over the job. This should not be controversial and has always been our plan from the beginning.

Still, this kind of surprises me:

In December, the United States will begin a new military phase in Iraq — one in which "our troops will shift over time from leading operations to partnering with Iraqi forces, and eventually to overwatching those forces," Bush said in his weekly radio address.

I certainly expected that we would begin to transition to Iraqi security forces in the lead. I guess I just didn't think we could start doing this as soon as December.

Good news if true. We thought we could do this in early 2006, but could not because of the jihadi and Sadr murder sprees fueled by Iran and their lap dog Syria.

Have we hurt the jihadis and Sadrists enough to carry this out now? Have we broken up the Syrian and Iranian support networks enough?

I hope so.