
Friday, September 07, 2007

Oops, He Did It Again

Jihad star, Osama bin Laden has released a new video.

He hits on all the Left wing talking points: anti-capitalism, global warming, the sub-prime mortgage issue, Noam Chomsky. He even praises Michael Scheuer, the former CIA spook who now criticizes our efforts against bin Laden. Yep, that raises Scheuer's credibility, eh?

But then bin Laden blows it when he drones on about Iraq:

"There are two solutions to stopping it. One is from our side, and it is to escalate the fighting and killing against you. This is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out," bin Laden said.

What's that? Al Qaeda is fighting us in Iraq? So Iraq isn't a distraction from the war on terrorism?

And what's this?

"The second solution is from your side. I invite you to embrace Islam," he said.

He doesn't want us to stop some specific policy that "caused" his anger? He just wants us to convert to Islam? My, that doesn't fit in with the whole Lefty theory that we provoked the 9/11 attacks. Just how do we figure out why he hates us if he just wants us to convert to end the war.

I'm glad he's not dead. Because that means we still get to kill him.

UPDATE: Ah, the call for all of us to convert makes sense (tip to Pajamas Media):

"People of America: the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven't made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there."

See? He thought that just getting Congress to submit to Islam would be enough. Yet ten months later, our forces are still sending his jihadi scum to Paradise at high rates. So now he need all of us to submit. Hey, from his point of view it makes sense.