
Friday, September 21, 2007

He Shouldn't Wait for Al Qaeda to Strike

Bin Laden (or his recorded voice if the lanky death freak is dead already) has declared war on Pakistan:

Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden called on Pakistanis to wage a holy war against President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in a new recording released Thursday, saying his military's siege of a militant mosque stronghold makes him an infidel.

Instead of the intermittent campaigns against jihadis in the frontier area, why not have a nice big joint Coalition_Pakistani effort that slams the biggest concentration of jihadis with troops and JDAMs. Go in hard. Kill as many of the thugs as we can, and then pull out again. Let's take the bandaid off fast approach.

Really, are we to disrespect bin Laden's declaration of war so much that we just ignore it?

I say we (America and Pakistan) take it seriously. Wage war on him and his organization. And kill them, of course.