
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Encouraging the Enemy

We are apparently going to close the Guantanamo Bay prison for enemy jihadis:
Senior administration officials said Thursday a consensus is building for a proposal to shut the center and transfer detainees to one or more Defense Department facilities, including the maximum-security military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., where they could face trial.

This is so stupid that I can't believe it. Who will be placated? Who will stop hyper-ventilating over rice pilaf served at room temperature or whatever imagined crimes are taking place there?

Nobody. That's who. The psychotic international human rights community will assume this is an admission of guilt and they will press their lawfare to our shores to free the lil' darlings from captivity. The idiots over here who think this is a new gulag will want more victories.

Good grief, is President Bush trying to alienate every last supporter he still has? If Congress wants to vote to close Gitmo, make them vote on it! Don't give them a free hand to deny any responsibility if something bad happens as a result. Don't free them of the need to take some damn responsibility for this war. Veto the thing. Make them override it. Don't just roll over to these idiots!

Tell the effing weasels who want this prison closed to go take a hike along the Pakistan border and put their trust for their safety in the hands of the thugs roaming around out there.