
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Signs of Intelligent Life

I've long wondered how long the Sunni Arabs of central Iraq would continue to be stupid as rocks. When Sunni Arabs are being ethnically cleansed by the Shias and Kurds from Baghdad due to the Sunni support of terrorism, their seeming eagerness to become the new Palestinians astounded me.

With Sunni Arabs in Anbar showing that the entire gene pool is not tainted by idiocy, the refusal of the central Iraq Sunni Arabs to surrender is all the more horrifying.

That could finally be changing:

Al-Sabah reported today that “some community leaders in Adhamiya are working on forming a salvation council for their own district they will be calling The Adhamiya Awakening. Sources close to the leaders said they (the leaders) have managed to win the support of some hundred people who agree with the new position. The sources asserted that the goal of the Awakening is to rid Adhamiya of the terrorists.”

The surge, which is targeting both Shia death squads and Sunni terrorists who keep the Sunni Arabs resisting by their killing, is surely helping push this type of settlement forward.

We are winning. But we need a gut check to finish the mission.