
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Are They Stoned?

The Senate Committee on Intelligence has found no evidence of connections between Saddam's Iraq and al Qaeda?

Where they looking in the refrigerators of House members, or what? Do they consider it only a "relationship" if al Qaeda was sharing office space and a receptionist in downtown Baghdad? Do they forget that President Clinton struck the pharmaceutical plant in Sudan in 1998 precisely because of the al Qaeda-Iraq connection in relation to poison gas?

I find it amazing that our Senate sees nothing. I understand why the loyal opposition wants to ignore connections, but why the majority party? Having trouble at cocktail parties, are they?

Read this instead and ignore the silly report by a committee of the world's greatest debilitated body. The judgment here:

But beyond the obvious political gamesmanship, there is little merit to this posturing because there is little serious analysis in the Senate report: Far from providing the definitive word on Saddam's ties to al Qaeda, the report is almost worthless.

Read it all, as the saying goes. What a Senate we have.