
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Our Humble Origins

America is 230 years old today!

We are the most powerful nation in the world. And this after our humble origins as colonies clinging to the shores of a new continent planted by a number of European countries. After ten months of facing down the 18th century's most powerful country while under arms, we declared ourselves free and independent. And then fought a long war (and another in 1812) to earn our freedom.

Today we stand astride the globe. Not bad for a former exploited and oppressed colony. Strange that in the world of today where being a former colony of Europeans earns you victim credits, we get none. We've come a long way, baby!

And despite the cries of political foes that presidents from Jackson to Lincoln to FDR to Reagan to Clinton to Bush 43 have destroyed our liberties, we remain free people with opportunities unimaginable to past generations of Americans or people today who live under despotism.

So celebrate what we've built and what our military fights and dies to protect, even today. We were born in war and so July 4th has a special meaning for our military. Truly, the most fulfilling Independence Day I ever had was watching the fireworks at Fort Leonard Wood while in uniform.

And to all you struggling ex-colonies wallowing in victimhood today, have heart! One day you too may be vilified and condemned for whatever you do--or don't do.

But though it is lonely at the top, it is good to be at the top. Let's keep it that way.

Happy Fourth!