
Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Iranians are Quite Clear on the Issue

Britain's Foreign Secretary just stated such an obvious truism that I have to wonder why he even bothered to waste the ergs of energy to speak:

"This (stand-off) will not be resolved by military means, let's be clear about that," Straw told BBC radio on Sunday.

"It needs to be resolved by all facilities available to the international community, that is what we have been working on and continue to work on," Straw added.

I guess Straw was worried that the Iranians might be a little worried that after years of avoiding dealing with Iran's nuclear ambitions that the international community might grow a spine.

Really, why would Straw get that idea? What on Earth could the Iranians possibly worry about? Iran knows damn well that the international community will do nothing at all to stop Iran's nuclear drive. The only question is whether the international community will pay Iran for the privilege of pretending for a few more years that Iran isn't going nuclear.

Oh sure, the international community will never tire of holding conferences and meetings, and if that can get the Iranians to explode from boredom and frustration I suppose we can call it a success.

But basically, the vaunted international community will do nothing but express regrets when Iran gets the bomb. Should Iran use it, I'm sure the international community will be really, really, really sorry. This much is clear.