
Monday, September 19, 2005

Force Five Idiocy

Hurricane Katrina is now sweeping across Africa.

With the domestic nutcases having pretty much exhausted the silly claims about Katrina, Zimbabwe's chief psychopath has picked up on the storm to cover his own thuggery. At first I thought the man was being way too generous in his love of America:

Zimbabwe's president said Sunday the U.N. housing agency should help Hurricane Katrina victims, instead of Zimbabweans left homeless by his government's slum demolitions.

Wow. That seemed really touching at first glance. But no, Mugabe simply wants to talk about anything other than his cruel campaign to starve out his nation and therefore leave him in charge without any living opposition at all:

Mugabe said the U.N. agency, the Nairobi-based Habitat, and Britain — a longtime critic of land reform policies in Zimbabwe — were hypocritical in their response to Katrina.

"They have remained silent about the shocking circumstances of obvious state neglect surrounding the tragic Gulf Coast disaster," he said, adding, "a whole community of mainly nonwhites was deliberately abandoned to the ravages of Hurricane Katrina as sacrificial lambs."

Once again, we see why we have JDAMs.

If only...