
Saturday, August 20, 2005


It still seems that not many weapons are coming into Iraq to supply the insurgents.

So it is good news that the internal supplies of explosives may not be as great as we thought:

In Iraq, the biggest killer of Iraqi and coalition forces is the IED (improvised explosive device). Analysis of the bombs used, and interrogation of the many bombers, and bomb makers captured recently, indicates that the supply of explosives is not as abundant as was once thought.

It is frustrating that we haven't been able to control the supply of leftover Saddam ammunition more rapidly, but given the large amounts out there we would have had to leave other tasks undone to secure supplies that were excess to insurgent needs anyway.

I do recall reading some months ago that insurgents were scrounging explosives from old Iran-Iraq War battlefields. I believe I posted on that fact. That seemed like a good sign that internally available explosives were running out.

Like I've said until I'm blue in the face, this narrowly based insurgency wouldn't have lasted this long without the money and arms buried all over Iraq. If this fuel runs out, the enemy could collapse far more suddenly than we would otherwise expect. I know this hasn't happened yet, but it could.