
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Dueling Idiots

Uncomfortable with another reverend spouting idiocy, Reverend Jesse Jackson has fired up the siren and raced to the scene of the accident to make sure the cameras don't leave him out of the news cycle:

In a speech to Venezuela's National Assembly, Jackson said every country has a right to self-determination, and touched on subjects from poverty to Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in the civil rights struggle of American blacks.

"Though our histories are burdensome with pain and often bitter memories, we must have the strength to get ahead and not just get even," Jackson said to a rousing applause from Venezuelan lawmakers.

Jackson later met and shook hands with Chavez during the Venezuelan leader's weekly radio and television program.

"Reverend Jackson, you can be sure that we will continue fighting for the ideas of Martin Luther King, for Christ the Redeemer's idea of loving one another and building a society of equals through our peaceful and democratic revolution," said Chavez.

Sure, Pat Robertson's call to kill Chavez was ill considered. But how do you define the idiocy and morality by comparison of a man who would travel to Venezuela to give comfort to an actual vote-rigging tinpot dictator? In a struggle between deciding whether Robertson's vision of a Venezuela free of Chavez is better or worse than a Venezuela where Chavez is free to build his society of whatever, I gotta go with Robertson.

Jesse Jackson is simply a vile ambulance chaser who is happy to give comfort to the vilest of human rights violators and I have no use for him.