
Saturday, July 30, 2005

Where is the Fanaticism?

British police, as well as authorities in other countries, continue to arrest people suspected of being involved in the London terrorist bombings.

British authorities warn that people may still be out there plotting more attacks:

Scotland Yard police headquarters appealed to the public to remain vigilant, fearing further terrorist cells could be planning an attack. Detectives were grilling the three men captured in England, hoping to learn who was behind the July 7 and July 21 bombers, and how many others could still be out there.

What puzzles me is that these thugs are apparently going meekly into custody. Why aren't these jihadi Islamist fanatics going down in a blaze of glory when surrounded? Why are they running and apparently waiting for the police to nab them? Why aren't they taking whatever weapons they have and trying to take down as many infidels as they can before they die? Detonate a bomb. Go on a shooting spree. Stab the sick, young or elderly if that is all they can do.

We are dealing with nutjobs but apparently not with fully committed nutjobs who have lost all thoughts of self preservation in their hatred of the West. This should be a good sign, I should think.