
Monday, May 16, 2005

Tick Tick Tick

If those patient communists in Peking wait 5 years let alone the century they supposedly think in, it will be too late to absorb Taiwan. Taiwan held another election. Aside from the fact that every election on whatever entrenches the concept of democracy, the subject of the election is especially dangerous for long-range thinking:

In the election, voters chose a party list of delegates to consider a package of constitutional reforms — reducing the legislature from its present 225 members to 113, extending lawmakers' terms from three to four years, amending the electoral system to reduce the number of lawmakers per constituency, and enshrining public referenda as the only means for approving future constitutional changes.

Chen's supporters had urged followers to vote in large numbers, saying that a vote against the DPP was a vote for eventual unification with China.

Vice President Annette Lu of the DPP congratulated the party for its victory, and took a backhanded swipe at China for what she said were its failed efforts to influence the results."I would like to thank the Chinese Communist Party, because each time there is pressure from China, the people show that democracy is what people embrace here in Taiwan," she said.

"One billion three hundred million Chinese friends on the mainland and (Chinese) President Hu Jintao, you have heard the voice of Taiwan's people. Taiwan belongs to its 23 million people," she said.

China will be watching the next few years closely. The article didn't mention this but I believe the constitutional reforms are due in 2008.

China will not just let Taiwan go free. Bad precedent to have free Chinese running around with dangerous ideas.