
Sunday, April 03, 2005

When the Pillsbury Nuke Boy is Gone

I think North Korea is on the road to collapse--if we can refrain from saving their sorry butts with renewed aid. When they do fall, after several generations of anti-American propaganda, will the North Koreans be our friends or will they retain the hatred they've been taught? Will they simply become socialists like the East Germans and not exactly the most pro-American part of the country?

Out of this article is one small part that might give us a clue:
Indeed, Albania had been billed to me — by the State Department — as "the most pro-American country in Europe." Some of the Albanian intellectuals told me that their neighbors jeered at their country as "the Israel of the Balkans." I said, Wear it proudly.

Recall that Albania was once communist China's sole friend in Europe and the closest thing to Mao's ideal that still survived, until it imploded at the end of the Cold War. If that isolated and paranoid state could become "the Israelis of the Balkans" then North Korea could become our friend, too.