
Saturday, April 02, 2005

Those Who Help Themselves

President Bush may be sincere in his vow to do what it takes to defend Taiwan against a Chinese invasion. The Taiwanese may be sincere in their desire to remain free of Peking's rule. But if the Taiwanese don't step up and build a military capable of defending their island of democracy, the will of the US and the Taiwanese people to keep Taiwan free will be for nothing:

It is time now for the legislators to stop the endless debating – more like haggling – and get down to business. For if it appears that Taiwan is not ready to do what it can for its own self defense, how can it call on the help of others, the United States in particular, to come to its aid in the event China does attack?

What’s involved is the acquisition of eight new submarines, six Patriot III anti-missile batteries, and a dozen P-3C anti-submarine patrol aircraft. The new patrol aircraft would replace aircraft that have been in service for the better part of 40 years. The Patriot III would augment the older Patriot II system protecting Taipei and extend the anti-missile umbrella to the rest of the island. The submarines would help defend against a Chinese naval blockade of the island.

Many people who think that Taiwan can defend itself against attack seem to assume that the package announced in 2001 is in Taiwanese hands. They are not and it will take time to integrate the weapons if purchased.

The Taiwanese have to survive long enough for us to intervene. Will they be able to if they refuse to arm themselves with the proper weapons?