Thursday, November 15, 2018

Russian "Help"

Russia continues to try to get "peace" in Afghanistan by hosting talks that include the Taliban, a.k.a " “the Emirate of Afghanistan” as they call themselves at the talks.

If Russian "help" gets a peace deal, America and the region loses:

The major problem with that is such a deal turns control of Afghanistan over to drug gangs, Pakistan, Iran and Islamic conservatives (who ban education for women and generally unpopular lifestyle restrictions). This means going back to the situation before the Taliban lost control of Afghanistan in 2001. Back then the Taliban provided sanctuary for Islamic terrorists, especially al Qaeda. The Taliban is still on good terms with al Qaeda. The Taliban is also seen by the majority of Afghans as the creation of Pakistan and a largely Pushtun organization financed by Pakistan supported drug gangs. The Pushtun are 40 percent of the population and the largest ethnic group in the country. The Pushtun dominate the opium and heroin business which is also opposed by most Afghans, if only because it has created so many addicts.

Which helps Russia. Honestly people, don't let Russia "help" us any more.

The only way a peace deal can work is if the Taliban concede defeat and the Afghan government wins. Anything else is just a "decent interval" to get coalition troops out of Afghanistan before we let the Taliban win.

And do read all of the Strategypage post. The perspective on current Afghan government casualties is highly useful. The short version is that the Afghans have lost more in the recent past and that now the Taliban lose at twice the rate.