Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Climate "Change" is an Understatement

Why the notion that the big hot thing up in the sky might have something to do with our planet's temperature is hooted down by the Goreans is beyond me.

I think I know why the global warming true believers now talk of "climate change" instead. Sunspot inactivity may be the cause of cooler temperatures:

Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously.

All four agencies that track Earth's temperature (the Hadley Climate Research Unit in Britain, the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, the Christy group at the University of Alabama, and Remote Sensing Systems Inc in California) report that it cooled by about 0.7C in 2007. This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record and it puts us back where we were in 1930. If the temperature does not soon recover, we will have to conclude that global warming is over.

Savor that first statement: during the last decade, global temperatures have not risen--notwithstanding the carbon dioxide pumps that VP Cheney installed in the White House in 2002.

Yet during the decade the planet has stopped warming, the global warmers have succeeded in creating maximum hysteria to convince more people that global warming is God's delivered truth, brought down from the mountain top etched on clay tablets by Saint Al.

Conventiently for them, when they come around to arguing about solutions to climate change when the change means cooler rather than hotter, they will still be able to advocate the same socialist economy-destroying solutions to combat global cooling. I mean, we'll surely have to shut down industry and outlaw cars in order to save the oil for heating our communal homes through 100,000 years of an Ice Age, right?

On the bright side, if we are heading for global cooling, Earth Day will become the day to start the outdoor grilling season instead of Memorial Day, so that we can all light up the charcoal and fill the air with planet-saving greenhouse gasses for another five weeks per year!