Saturday, October 06, 2007

Guess Who Let Us Down?

ABC has some news about the Big Hole Incident.

One, it was indeed a nuclear site that Israel destroyed:

One U.S. official told ABC's Martha Raddatz the material was "jaw dropping" because it raised questions as to why U.S. intelligence had not previously picked up on the facility.

Officials said that the facility had likely been there for months if not years.

Yes indeed, how could a facility in Syria go undiscovered by all our assets for years?

Tell me again how our intelligence can easily detect when a country is about to go nuclear or predict when they will go nuclear?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's the regime, stupid. You're a rabid anti-American thug regime that pursues nuclear weapons and/or supports terrorists? We should take them out without trying to build a legal case for prosecution.

Syria was building a nuclear facility. Maybe for themselves. Maybe for Iran. Maybe for North Korea. And it doesn't really matter, since I don't think any of those hideous regimes should have nukes.

And our State Department lived up to my expectations. When confronted with this information, State wanted to ...

Do nothing:

Some in the administration supported the Israeli action, but others, notably Sect. of State Condoleeza Rice did not. One senior official said the U.S. convinced the Israelis to "confront Syria before attacking."

Officials said they were concerned about the impact an attack on Syria would have on the region. And given the profound consequences of the flawed intelligence in Iraq, the U.S. wanted to be absolutely certain the intelligence was accurate.

Flawed intelligence, indeed. Saddam wanted WMD and he'd have gotten them if we hadn't destroyed his regime.

Confront the Syrians? And expect them to be all remorseful? To start yet another round of 6-party talks or EU-Three talks designed to get another thug regime to behave?

Did nobody at state consider the profound consequences of Syria developing nukes for themselves or a friend?

Truly, our State Department needs an American Desk. And we need an intelligence community that can actually detect friggin' nuclear facilities.

People are trying to kill us, and too many of our diplomatic and intelligence community spend their time wringing their hands and worried over how defending ourselves will look to the world.